发明名称 Method and device for use during data transfer where phase-shift modulation is used to detect transfer rates
摘要 The invention is a method and device for use during data transfer to detect transfer rates in order to reset the rate selector (5) to the desired speed. The transfer signal (U1), which is phase-shift modulated, is divided into bit groups with at least one zero and one one. The number of times zero occurs in the transfer signal (U1) is detected in a zero detector (2) and is counted in a counter (6) for a timer interval whose length corresponds to the transfer duration for a bit group transferred at the speed with which the rate selector (5) is set at the time of counting. This number is compared to two numerical values corresponding to the maximum number of zeros or ones in the bit group. At the end of the time interval, the rate selector (5) is reset by a signal (U10, U11) from the comparison circuit (11) based on the comparison result and then the counter (6) is reset. The number of zero occurrences is counted during the newly set time interval and the procedure is repeated until the counted number of zero occurrences lies between the named numerical values.<IMAGE>
申请公布号 SE445509(B) 申请公布日期 1986.06.23
申请号 SE19840005717 申请日期 1984.11.14
分类号 H04L7/02 主分类号 H04L7/02
代理机构 代理人