发明名称 Timing wheel for card encoder
摘要 Apparatus for magnetically encoding a card which includes a timing wheel frictionally engaging the card as the card is moved along a slot. The wheel has about its peripheral annulus a series of evenly spaced magnetic timing bits which are read out by a read head located adjacent the annular surface of the wheel. As the card moves along the slot, the frictional engagement rotates the wheel in a precise one-to-one spatial relationship between the position of the card and the rotative position of the wheel, and hence of the rate at which the timing bits are picked up by the read head. The output from the read head is interfaced with a unique card code to cause coding bits to be applied by a write head to the card as it continues to move along the slot. The positions of the code bits on the card are precisely determined by the timing bits through an interfacing circuit, which includes a series of AND gates. In this way the code is very accurately and precisely laid onto a magnetic stripe on the card, irrespective of variations in the velocity of the card as it is manually moved along the slot.
申请公布号 US4593328(A) 申请公布日期 1986.06.03
申请号 US19800214166 申请日期 1980.12.08
分类号 G06K7/016;G11B25/04;(IPC1-7):G11B25/04;G06K13/00 主分类号 G06K7/016
代理机构 代理人