摘要 <p>The foldable letter to be dispatched by post is comprised of a cut out paper sheet of which one surface is intended to receive communications and the other one to receive postal indications. It aims at solving the double problem of finding a form favouring the writing of letters against the progression of electronic communication means and, on the other hand of enabling to easily open a folded and stuck letter without tearing it. The proposed solution relates to a carrier medium for hand written communications and a closure technique offering to the sendee a fault-free letter in its original size. The letter (10) has a quadratic general shape comprising a rectangular field (14) of which the long sides (15) are arranged parallel, but not symmetrically, to one of the diagonals (13) of the square. The four angles (17-19) of the sheet are folded back to one face of the letter and their edges overlap and adhere for a complete closing. The face of the square receiving the communication is preferably lined (22) on all of its surface, and parallel to both edges. Furthermore, the edges provided for the closure are fitted with detachable strips (31-33) which, after opening the letter, remain fix to the non written face. To this effect, the strips are provided with a perforation.</p>
申请公布号 WO1986000276(A1) 申请公布日期 1986.01.16
申请号 DE1985000209 申请日期 1985.06.20
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人