摘要 The variable information sign includes, in one embodiment, a display board 10 having a smooth and nonporous display surface 10A, a carriage 12 supported from and movable with respect to display board 10, a plurality of print modules 14 that are supported by carriage 12, an erase roller 16 also supported from carriage 12, and a re-inking station 18 supported from display board 10 and located at one side thereof. Each of the print modules contains a supply of a dry erase ink which is located into the print module when the carriage is in proximity to the re-inking station. As the carriage is caused to move in a predetermined direction, each of the print modules is deactuated and the erase roller wipes the display surface to remove any previously-printed information. As the carriage is caused to move in a second or opposite direction, the erase roller wipes the display surface to remove any remaining portion of the previously-printed information and the print modules are selectively actuated to print desired information on the display surface. In a second embodiment, the display member comprises an endless belt of a suitable flexible material which passes around first and second drums supported for rotation about parallel axes. The print modules are disposed in proximity to one of the drums the erase roller is disposed in proximity to the other of the drums. As the drums are rotated, the flexible belt passes the erase roller and the print module whereupon information is removed from the belt by the erase roller and information is imprinted on the belt by the print modules.
申请公布号 AU547762(B2) 申请公布日期 1985.10.31
申请号 AU19820084539 申请日期 1982.06.03
分类号 G09F9/30 主分类号 G09F9/30
代理机构 代理人