摘要 <p>Visual representation of construction projects so as to emphasize project urgencies. Gradations of emphasis are expressed by boldness of shading: shown in monochrome as continuity and thickness of line; in polychrome, by brigthness and hue of color. During construction, urgencies associated with deviations from the schedule -- or variances from the budget -- are emphasizable by depicting overdure (or overly costly) structural increments shaded more boldly than on-time (or within budget) structure. This visual product results from a process or procedure involving identifying and sequentializing work activities of given durations into appropriate order to produce a schedule of the work activities, including start and finish dates, together with their respective resulting structures. This procedure also involves storing and retrieving the foregoing, and related data, such as quantities and costs of work crews or materials, and depiction data for the resulting structure.</p>
申请公布号 WO1985002699(A1) 申请公布日期 1985.06.20
申请号 US1984001847 申请日期 1984.11.08
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人