发明名称 Display mount apparatus and method
摘要 A display mount apparatus has a mounting board of predetermined width and a pad of sheet material having a predetermined width less than the predetermined width of the mounting board. A polymer binding extends around the mounting board and around all or a portion of the pad of sheet material to support the pad or sheet material to the mounting board. The polymer binding has a slight resiliency and may have imprinting thereon to indicate a day on a calendar, or the like. The method of making a display mount includes the steps of selecting a mounting board of predetermined width and a pad of sheet material of a predetermined width less than the width of the mounting board, binding the pad to the mounting board with a polymer strip extending around the mounting board and around at least a part of the sheets of the pad of sheet material. An additional step includes foil stamping polymer banding material prior to binding the mounting board and pad together and may include the steps of opening pages on the pad of sheet material during binding and folding the sheets back over the band to support the pad or sheet material to the mounting board.
申请公布号 US4523399(A) 申请公布日期 1985.06.18
申请号 US19830563625 申请日期 1983.12.20
分类号 G09D3/00;(IPC1-7):G09D3/00 主分类号 G09D3/00
代理机构 代理人