发明名称 Plate glass repair apparatus and method
摘要 A plate glass repair apparatus comprises a plate member that has an outer peripheral seal and can be held onto the surface of the plate glass to be repaired with vacuum generated from a self contained hand operated vacuum pump mounted on the plate. The plate is made so that the plate surface is forced down against the glass in locations sufficient to prevent the glass from being over stressed and for securely holding the tool in position. A cup like cutter for cutting a circular hole in the glass is positioned adjacent one corner of the plate and has a separate seal surrounding the cutter to form a chamber. Cutting fluid, such as water, is provided to flow from the outside of the cup like cutter toward the interior, where it is exhausted during the cutting operation. The cutter device for repairing plate glass is put into position over a break that is to be removed for plugging. Prior to cutting a backing plug is placed on the opposite face of the glass where the plug will be cut from the glass. The backing plug prevents the edges surrounding the opening from being chipped as the cutter breaks through. The backing plug is removed carefully and the cut out disc of glass will stay with the plug. A guide sleeve may be used to guide the disc of glass to prevent chipping of the edges of the opening. Subsequently a replacement glass disc is precisely ground to fit within the cut opening and is adhesively fastened into place.
申请公布号 US4498940(A) 申请公布日期 1985.02.12
申请号 US19830528728 申请日期 1983.09.01
分类号 B28D1/04;B29C73/02;B29C73/10;B32B17/10;C03C27/06;(IPC1-7):B32B35/00 主分类号 B28D1/04
代理机构 代理人