发明名称 Multiple use type projectile
摘要 <p>The multiple use projectile has a heavy primary penetrating part (11), the whole length of which is covered by a secondary penetrating part (12) which extends forward to make a space for an explosive charge (15). The secondary part is made to fragment when the charge fires. - The nose part of the secondary part has an impact fired charge (14). The rear of this part has a smaller diameter than the front. It also has a radial shoulder with an axial face between front and rear and with an annular groove formed in it. (1/4) USAB- US4435887 A The multi-capability projectile has a heavy primary penetration element surrounded by a splintering and fragmenting secondary penetration element which extends forwardly of the primary element to form a cavity containing a bursting charge. The projectile has a nose portion forwardly of that cavity with an ignition charge in it. The rear of the secondary element is stepped inwardly to form a smaller recess which receives and holds the rear end of the primary element. - A shoulder adjacent this smaller rearward portion can be formed with an annular groove, according to which the portion of that shoulder radially inwardly of the groove is urged against the side of the primary element to form a rimmed part which secures the same. The annular space surrounding the forward end of the primary element can be filled with an incendiary charge, the bursting charge being located forwardly of this. (5pp)e - US4444112 A The multi-capability projectile has a heavy primary penetration element surrounded by a splintering and fragmenting secondary penetration element. The latter extends forwardly of the primary penetration element to form a cavity in which is a bursting charge. The projectile has a nose portion forwardly of the cavity in which is an ignition charge. - The rear of the secondary penetration element is stepped inwardly to form a smaller recess which receives and holds the rear end of the primary penetration element. A shoulder surrounding the recess is formed with an annular groove. The portion of the shoulder radially inwardly of the groove is bent inwardly against the side of the primary penetration element to form a rimmed part which secures the same. (5pp)</p>
申请公布号 ES8403610(A1) 申请公布日期 1984.06.16
申请号 ES19900005158 申请日期 1982.09.22
分类号 (IPC1-7):42B13/04;42B13/14 主分类号 (IPC1-7):42B13/04
代理机构 代理人