发明名称 Method for counting signatures employing a weighing technique
摘要 A stack of signatures is delivered to a weighing platform which measures bundle weight. A stored bundle weight is subtracted from the measured bundle weight to yield a difference which is compared against the stored reference weight of an individual signature. If the difference is a multiple of the weight of an individual signature, an indication of a count error is given. If the aforesaid difference is greater than the weight of an individual signature but is not an integral multiple of that weight, an indication of a possible combination error is given. If the difference is less than the weight of an individual signature, a recalibration is initiated to substitute the reference weight per unit with a new value prior to initiation of the next measuring cycle. In the presence of a combination error pattern, a manual count check is made on the subsequent sample to insure a correct count and a recalibration is then initiated.
申请公布号 US4425974(A) 申请公布日期 1984.01.17
申请号 US19820370346 申请日期 1982.04.21
分类号 G01G19/42;(IPC1-7):G01G19/42 主分类号 G01G19/42
代理机构 代理人