发明名称 Method and apparatus for incinerating solid and liquid waste
摘要 Incineration method and means which employs an incinerator with primary 5 and secondary 6 combustion zones, the two zones being connected by means of an intermediate section whose interior forms a narrow annular space 14. The inner surface 2 of the annular space 14 is perforated 16 and the secondary combustion air is introduced into the annular space via these perforations 16, with the result that the combustion gases and the air, in violent rotation, expand in an enlarged secondary combustion zone 6.
申请公布号 ES8400582(A3) 申请公布日期 1984.01.16
申请号 ES20010005112 申请日期 1982.04.06
申请人 NORSK HYDRO A.S. 发明人
分类号 F23G5/00;F23G7/00;(IPC1-7):23G5/00;23G7/00 主分类号 F23G5/00
代理机构 代理人