发明名称 Rotating hydraulic machine for electric power generation - uses rotor nozzles to flow to collector which return flow to rotor for improved efficiency
摘要 The hydraulic machine has a rotor and a hydraulic fluid circulator, setting the fluid in rotation and converting the rotational kinetic energy of the fluid, at high efficiency, to kinetic energy of the rotor. - The rotor has several nozzles to direct the hydraulic fluid towards the exterior away from the axis of the rotor into a fluid collector which is arranged to return the fluid at the interior axial extremity of the rotor. The rotor has several arms generally radial in direction, with transversely directed nozzles at the edge. The rotor arms pass close to a fluid circulator comprising a deflector which collects fluid from the rotor and guide plates returning the fluid.(0/8)
申请公布号 BE897249(A1) 申请公布日期 1984.01.09
申请号 BE19830897249 申请日期 1983.07.08
分类号 F03B17/00;(IPC1-7):F03B/ 主分类号 F03B17/00
代理机构 代理人