发明名称 Electronic scale apparatus and method of controlling weight
摘要 An electronic scale apparatus which provides weight control information, and a method of controlling weight which employs a scale apparatus. The apparatus comprises a scale member for measuring the weight of a person at a selected point in time. An electrical signal is generated in response to the measured weight. The apparatus further includes a memory for storing weight information. This weight information may include a base weight introduced previously into the memory. The apparatus includes an electronic circuit in which the generated signal is processed so that the weight of the person at the selected point in time can be compared against the base weight. This circuit also enables the calculation of a weight change based on the comparison. A display member is operatively connected to the electronic circuit for displaying the calculated weight and/or percentage of a weight change to a selected goal. The apparatus may be provided with a plurality of manually operable switches for introducing base weight information or other forms of weight related information. Moreover, the apparatus may be provided with a plurality of display members for simultaneously displaying various forms of weight related information. The method of the invention which may utilize the apparatus, enables an individual to measure the weight over selected periods of time, receiving reinforcement for achieving a weight change, or to take corrective action based on the weight changes.
申请公布号 US4423792(A) 申请公布日期 1984.01.03
申请号 US19810274557 申请日期 1981.06.17
分类号 G01G19/62;G01G23/18;G01G23/42;(IPC1-7):G01G19/44;G01G23/00 主分类号 G01G19/62
代理机构 代理人