发明名称 Shielding device for the temperature and pollution control of water in a farming enclosure for fish and other aquatic organisms
摘要 A shielding device for adjusting and maintaining constant optimum temperature conditions and/or for pollution controlling the water in a farming enclosure for fish and other aquatic organisms, comprising a warm water shield to prevent the warmer water of lower unit weight from flowing off laterally, and a cover for the warm water shield, and a cold water shield to prevent the cooler water of higher unit weight from flowing off laterally, and a lower bottom portion constructed as a collecting funnel to collect faeces and food scraps, and optionally a connecting netting to prevent the fish kept within the device from escaping, in which each of said warm water shield, said cold water shield, and said pollution control unit, may also be used independently, and, if desired, the device may be protected from ice drift and gales by being lowered.
申请公布号 US4422408(A) 申请公布日期 1983.12.27
申请号 US19810233098 申请日期 1981.02.10
分类号 A01K63/04;(IPC1-7):A01K63/00 主分类号 A01K63/04
代理机构 代理人