发明名称 Ground glass coated building element mfr.
摘要 Building components of concrete or similar cast prods. having a surface at least partially covered with a hard material for exposure to the outside, are prepd. by (a) fusing a mixt. of sand, soda, lime and crushed glass and forming blocks of glass; (b) crushing and grinding the glass blocks and sepg. the powder into different particle size fractions from 4-35 mm.; (c) selecting one of these fractions and sieving to remove scrap and grinding dust; (d) adding the ground glass fraction into a surface mortar and (e) applying the mortar to the surfaces of the building components. - Building blocks are prepd. with at least one surface covered with glass which may be coloured and forms an attractive decorative finish.
申请公布号 ES8308293(A1) 申请公布日期 1983.11.16
申请号 ES19170004997 申请日期 1981.02.23
分类号 C03B37/00;C03C19/00;(IPC1-7):03C19/00;03B37/00 主分类号 C03B37/00
代理机构 代理人