摘要 Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) and/or folate (folic acid) assay techniques can be simplified, by eliminating the step of heating or boiling the to-be-tested sample prior to its assay. This is accomplished by utilizing compositions and procedures: (1) which substantially completely liberate all vitamin B12 and/or folate from endogenous binding protein without heating or boiling; (2) which substantially completely destroy all endogenous binding protein which is present in the to-be-assayed sample, and which may bind natural and radioactive vitamin B12 or folate both due to its liberation from vitamin B12 or folate in the original sample or due to its unbound presence in the original sample; (3) which substantially completely inhibit or block any undestroyed endogenous binding protein; and (4) which substantially completely inhibit or destroy any intrinsic factor-blocking antibodies which may be present in the to-be-assayed sample. In preferred embodiments the protein destroying compositions utilized include both a strong base and a sulfhydral compound which is a strong disulfide protein destroying material while the material of choice to bind with undestroyed endogenous binding protein is a vitamin B12 analogue. The sample is then assayed using known, for example, radioisotrope dilution assay techniques.
申请公布号 JPS58501008(A) 申请公布日期 1983.06.23
申请号 JP19820501511 申请日期 1982.04.05
申请人 发明人
分类号 G01N33/53;G01N33/82 主分类号 G01N33/53
代理机构 代理人