发明名称 Devices for displaying or performing operations in a two-valued system
摘要 An apparatus for displaying and performing a complete set of the sixteen binary connectives in a two-valued notational system, the apparatus comprising at least one device in which at least one combination of a plurality of symbols has been placed in at least one configuration. Each symbol has a shape selected to indicate a selected number of from zero to four components arranged with respect to the quadrants of a set of Cartesian coordinates. The shapes of the symbols have iconicity, eusymmetry, and frame consistency with respect to the quadrants of Cartesian coordinates and the alignments of the shapes of the symbols are symmetry positional with respect to the axes of the Cartesian coordinates. The combination and configuration of the symbols are chosen so that the symbols can be positioned by a selected combination of flips, rotations, and counterchange operations to display and perform all sixteen binary connectives. The symbols are preferably letter-shaped symbols which can be readily assigned a phonetic value.
申请公布号 US4367066(A) 申请公布日期 1983.01.04
申请号 US19810272634 申请日期 1981.06.11
分类号 A63F3/04;G09B19/02;(IPC1-7):G09B1/32 主分类号 A63F3/04
代理机构 代理人