发明名称 Quadriphase differential demodulator
摘要 A method and apparatus for synchronizing a digital data demodulator to a received phase modulation carrier signal in which the carrier signal is phase shifted during each modulation period of the carrier to represent one of four pairs of binary bits or dibits. A first dibit clock is adjusted to the phase of a reference dibit clock whose output is used to synchronize the demodulator in establishing the location of the modulation period of the incoming carrier. In order to overcome errors found in the decoding of the carrier signal, the adjustment of the dibit clock is suppressed when the dibits 00 and 10 are being decoded. With this construction, it was found that the dibit clock may run out of synchronization if long strings of zero characters (dibits 00) are received. In order to solve this problem, a second dibit clock is employed which is adjusted on dibits 00. After a predetermined number of continuous 00 dibits have been decoded, the suppression of the adjustment to the first dibit clock is removed and the phase corrections applied to the second dibit clock are applied to the first dibit clock.
申请公布号 US4362997(A) 申请公布日期 1982.12.07
申请号 US19800217942 申请日期 1980.12.18
分类号 H04L27/22;H04L;H04L27/18;H04L27/227;(IPC1-7):H04L27/22 主分类号 H04L27/22
代理机构 代理人