发明名称 Electric field and negative ion generator for room - uses electrostatic generator with potential grading shields formed as pyramid and with electrode to eliminate electrostatic charges
摘要 <p>The electrostatic generator has a pyramidal structure with a base (6) mounted enclosure (2) for the high voltage generator. The enclosure (2) has an insulated column (3) rising centrally to the peak of the pyramid and supporting the emitter (4) which is formed to a cone to concentrate the electric field. A potential grading shield (1) between emitter and base is formed as the faces of the pyramid, and to reduce the overall weight, wires rather than sheet metal are used for the shield. The electrostatic generator includes a protection electrode connected to a lower potential than the emission potential or to ground. The electrode is situated near the emitter to evacuate the electrostatic charges and maintain constant the potential gradient of the emission cone.</p>
申请公布号 FR2506533(A1) 申请公布日期 1982.11.26
申请号 FR19810010106 申请日期 1981.05.19
分类号 A61N1/16;A61N1/44;H01T23/00;(IPC1-7):01T20/02;61N1/10 主分类号 A61N1/16
代理机构 代理人