发明名称 Utility pole inspection kit
摘要 A kit of tools and devices for testing the soundness of underground wooden bodies, such as utility line poles, is provided for effecting the testing of such bodies without removing the ground about the bodies. A straight access tube and a drive rod are provided, the rod having a shoulder for engagement with one end of the tube while a conical end piece on the other end of the rod facilitates driving of the tube through the ground and partially into the wooden body. The access tube is driven into the ground by pounding on the head of the rod, and the rod is withdrawn after the end piece has penetrated the wood and the tube has been set in the body. The kit includes drilling tools for insertion through the tube and the taking of samples of the wood. After sampling, the hole in the wood is treated with a suitable chemical fluid supplied through a tube inserted in the access tube to treat and preserve the wood. On completion of the test and treatment procedure, the hole is closed by inserting a plug through the access tube and tapping it into the hole, whereupon the tube is withdrawn leaving the ground undisturbed.
申请公布号 US4329882(A) 申请公布日期 1982.05.18
申请号 US19800123514 申请日期 1980.02.22
分类号 G01N1/08;(IPC1-7):G01N1/08 主分类号 G01N1/08
代理机构 代理人