发明名称 Coolant system decontamination
摘要 An improved method for decontaminating the coolant system of water- cooled nuclear power reactors and for regenerating the decontamination solution. A small amount of one or more weak-acid organic complexing agents is added to the reactor coolant, and the pH is adjusted to form a decontamination solution which is circulated throughout the coolant system to dissolve metal oxides from the interior surfaces and complex the resulting metal ions and radionuclide ions. The coolant containing the complexed metal ions and radionuclide ions is passed through a strong-base anion exchange resin bed which has been presaturated with a solution containing the complexing agents in the same ratio and having the same pH as the decontamination solution. As the decontamination solution passes through the resin bed, metal- complexed anions are exchanged for the metal-ion-free anions on the bed, while metal-ion-free anions in the solution pass through the bed, thus removing the metal ions and regenerating the decontamination solution.
申请公布号 GB2077482(A) 申请公布日期 1981.12.16
申请号 GB19810016388 申请日期 1981.05.28
分类号 G21F9/12;G21F9/00;G21F9/28;(IPC1-7):21F9/28;01J45/00 主分类号 G21F9/12
代理机构 代理人