发明名称 Method of attaching a fitting to a cooking vessel or the like
摘要 A method for attaching a fitting 1 to a cooking vessel 2 or the like, in which method a pin 3 is introduced into a hole 5 in the connection part 4 of the fitting 1 far enough so that it emerges at both sides of the connection piece, after which the material around said hole is pressed in to firmly lock the pin in the connection piece of the fitting. After this, the connection piece with the pin firmly secured in it is placed against the wall of the cooking vessel or the like, so that the pin is pushed into a corresponding hole 6 in the cooking vessel or the like, after which a riveting tool is finally applied to the pin and upsets it to form a fastening rivet joint 7. <IMAGE>
申请公布号 SE421109(B) 申请公布日期 1981.11.30
申请号 SE19790003754 申请日期 1979.04.27
分类号 B21D39/03;B21J15/02;(IPC1-7):21D39/03;21J15/02 主分类号 B21D39/03
代理机构 代理人