发明名称 Method of making and ornamenting shirts and shorts
摘要 A method of making body garments, such as shorts or shirts which have decorations applied along their sides, includes starting with a length of tubular material which is flattened for passing it through a design-applying mechanism which applies decorations along the central area, cutting off pairs of identical garments along transverse lines spaced from each other a distance sufficient to provide two garments between them, these transverse lines defining the respective waist lines; removing pieces of material midway between the transverse lines to provide openings for the legs in the case of shorts, and for the neck and arms in the case of shirts. The tubular material is then shifted to place the decorated areas to the sides and the garments are finished by either joining portions of the margins together, or by joining the margins with additional material.
申请公布号 US4287612(A) 申请公布日期 1981.09.08
申请号 US19790037369 申请日期 1979.05.09
分类号 A41B9/00;A41B9/06;A41D27/08;A41H3/00;(IPC1-7):A41D17/02 主分类号 A41B9/00
代理机构 代理人