发明名称 Process for improved solid fuel combustion
摘要 Novel solid fuel combustion and heat transfer geometry/process and illustrative embodiments, which include log burning space heaters, a boiler and a hot air heat exchanger are described. The illustrative boiler embodiment depicts a standard module that when joined with other similar modules makes the construction of any size boiler possible. The combuster is designed to burn nearly any solid fuel, depending on price and availability, and also incorporates an auxilliary fuel oil combuster to either aid in the combustion of certain solid fuels or to convert over entirely to fuel oil. This novel geometry/process consists of solid fuel dispersed over two nearly intersecting surfaces with a third adjustable surface introduced to provide control of the combustion rate by a mutual radiant feedback. The fuel retaining surfaces are so constructed and positioned to enhance radiant heat interchange which maintains highest combustion temperatures along fuel surfaces that are directed toward the heat absorbing medium. This provides a focusing of radiant heat emissions from the combusting solid fuel that substantially increases the radiant heat output. The fuel moves, with the aid of gravity through the physically separate zones that constitute the combustion cycle. One set of these intersecting fuel retaining surfaces forms a radiant space heater and two sets, placed face to face, in a common enclosure, forms a furnace. An adjustable shutter between the two units that comprise the furnace controls the combustion rate to suit fuels of varying combustability. The geometry also lends itself to the inclusion of simpler emissions filtering apparatus because the early combustion emission gas loop is readily separable from the main combustion supporting air stream.
申请公布号 US4257338(A) 申请公布日期 1981.03.24
申请号 US19780944411 申请日期 1978.09.21
分类号 F24B1/183;F24B1/193;F24B1/199;F24B5/04;(IPC1-7):F23B7/00 主分类号 F24B1/183
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