发明名称 Block of cheese with surface grooves to guide knife - for cutting block into individual portions for buffet party etc.
摘要 <p>A block of cheese esp. formed to facilitate cutting into a number of individual portions. One face of the block is channeled with straight grooves which intersect to outline each of a set of small, individual portions. The grooves provide knife guiding channels so that each individual portion is cut to conform to the outline presented by its surrounding grooves. The grooves are pref. in two sets of equally spaced, parallel channels. The two sets intersect to form a grid of outlined polygons each corresp. to an individual portion. The cheese is pref. processed cheese and the block is formed by running molten cheese into a mould. The mould base has straight raised ribs which form grooves in the ribs which form grooves in the top face of the moulded block, ie. the block being inverted after the demoulding. The cheese pref. contains additions of supplementary food prods. such as savoury chopped meats, nuts, olives etc. The supplementary prods. are distributed so that each cut portion will take the same proportion. The grooving facilitates the task of cutting savoury cheese bites for cocktail parties, buffets etc. All bites are the right size and contain the same ingredients.</p>
申请公布号 FR2464654(A1) 申请公布日期 1981.03.20
申请号 FR19790023076 申请日期 1979.09.17
分类号 A23C19/06;A23C19/08;A23C19/09;(IPC1-7):23C19/08 主分类号 A23C19/06
代理机构 代理人