摘要 <p>A braiding machine for use in the manufacture of braided hose. The machine has the rear deck interconnected to the front deck which front deck is composed of three separate elements, the inner deck plate (25), the outer deck plate (27) and the quoits (26). The respective elements are of a sandwich construction, wherein a viscoelastic material (31, 35, 38) is bonded to outer plate members to provide a dampening of the noise. In addition, the carrier members (70, 71) are similarly constructed to dampen the noise by a sandwich construction, wherein the flanges (77, 78) of the carrier have an inner layer of viscoelastic materials (85, 86). The carriers which support the wire spools (88) are driven in a criss-crossing pattern to provide a braiding action of the wire as it is layed onto a longitudinally moving hose. </p>
申请公布号 WO1981000265(A1) 申请公布日期 1981.02.05
申请号 US1980000819 申请日期 1980.06.27
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人