摘要 <p>The respiratory valve face mask (10) herein relates to a structure for use in restoring respiration by providing for a subject of respiratory failure or cardiac arrest a supply of pressurized oxygen enriched air (73) and which permits in the alternative the free passage of ambient air to the subject under atmospheric pressure. The mask (10) comprising the invention herein has a plurality of chin grooves (15) to provide a general face fit for various sizes or lengths of faces with a perimeter (12) overlying the air passages of a face together with appropriate strap members (20, 21) to secure the same about the head of a person and projecting from the inner surface of the mask (10) in a particularly designed air sealing rib (16) encircling the nose and mouth and carried in the mask (10) is a valve structure (35, 63) which permits the free passage of ambient air to the person atmospheric pressure and into which the input of oxygen (84) or oxygen enriched air (84, 73) under appropriate pressure acts upon a piston (52) to close the valve (41) to ambient air, and further, in connection therewith, is pressure relief (41) to the atmosphere in the event of an excessive build up of the pressure of oxygen or oxygen enriched air within the mask. </p>
申请公布号 WO1980001645(A1) 申请公布日期 1980.08.21
申请号 DK1979000027 申请日期 1979.09.12
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人