发明名称 Clipping polygon faces through a polyhedron of vision
摘要 A flight simulator combines flight data and polygon face terrain data to provide a CRT display at each window of the simulated aircraft. The data base specifies the relative position of each vertex of each polygon face therein. Only those terrain faces currently appearing within the pyramid of vision defined by the pilots eye and the edges of the pilots window need be displayed at any given time. As the orientation of the pyramid of vision changes in response to flight data, the displayed faces are correspondingly displaced, eventually moving out of the pyramid of vision. Faces which are currently not visible (outside the pyramid of vision) are clipped from the data flow. In addition, faces which are only partially outside of pyramid of vision are reconstructed to eliminate the outside portion. Window coordinates are generated defining the distance between each vertex and each of the boundary planes forming the pyramid of vision. The sign bit of each window coordinate indicates whether the vertex is on the pyramid of vision side of the associated boundary panel (positive), or on the other side thereof (negative). The set of sign bits accompanying each vertex constitute the "outcode" of that vertex. The outcodes (O.C.) are systematically processed and examined to determine which faces are completely inside the pyramid of vision (Case A-all signs positive), which faces are completely outside (Case C-All signs negative) and which faces must be reconstructed (Case B-both positive and negative signs).
申请公布号 US4208810(A) 申请公布日期 1980.06.24
申请号 US19780940818 申请日期 1978.09.11
分类号 G06T15/30;G09B9/30;(IPC1-7):G09B9/08;H04N7/18 主分类号 G06T15/30
代理机构 代理人