摘要 <p>In one embodiment, a sender unit (12) is attached to the portion of the body corresponding to the damaged opposite part and a surfacing unit (13) is attached to the damaged portion. A sending head (12), which is provided with surface contacting probes, is traversed over the undamaged portion. Each probe follows the contour of the body and transmits the contours to the surfacing unit (13). The surfacing unit (13) is provided with a surfacing head which traverses the damaged area in synchronization with the sending head. Chisel like cutters in the surfacing head are moved upwardly and downwardly by the vertical movement of the sender probes so that the cutters follow the contour of the undamaged surface and cut away filler material. This enables the filler material to be contoured rapidly and easily using the undamaged corresponding body portion as a template. In another embodiment, the cutters are replaced by small anvils which traverse the damaged portion and act as a dolly for initial straightening of the damaged portion. </p>
申请公布号 WO1980000805(A1) 申请公布日期 1980.05.01
申请号 US1978000089 申请日期 1978.10.23
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人