摘要 A folding door, of the kind composed by an array of wooden slats connected by intermediate hinge elements; the intermediate hinge elements are of wood, preferably of the same color and grain of the wood the slats are made of, and a metallic hinge element is hidden within the strips of wood interposed between any two wooden slats so that the external appearance is that of an all-wooden assembly both when the door is outstretched and when it is folded.
申请公布号 SE7907360(L) 申请公布日期 1980.03.07
申请号 SE19790007360 申请日期 1979.09.04
申请人 发明人
分类号 E05D3/00;E05D3/04;E06B;E06B3/48;E06B3/94;(IPC1-7):06B3/48 主分类号 E05D3/00
代理机构 代理人