发明名称 Conversion of vegetable waste to combustible fuel blocks - opt. involving use of binder resins
摘要 <p>A combustible fuel is made from vegetable matter recovered from rubbish after isolation from other materials such as metals, rubbers, plastics, glass or any painted or varnished material. The vegetable matter is minced, hydrolised by boiling water, filtered off, placed in moulds and dried using hot air. Opt. a binder is added between the filtering and moulding stages: the binder may be resin, plaster or cement based. Typically blocks of 400 x 400 x 30 mm size are moulded from treated waste grass or wood with approx. 25-90% efficiency respectively. Process is also claimed for preserving vegetable materials for animal feedstuffs by cleaning, paring, boiling; crushing; placing in mould; and drying.</p>
申请公布号 FR2418005(A1) 申请公布日期 1979.09.21
申请号 FR19780005642 申请日期 1978.02.28
分类号 A23K3/00;C10L5/44 主分类号 A23K3/00
代理机构 代理人