发明名称 Method and apparatus for conversion of an uneven arm beam balance from metric weight to English weight measurement and vice versa
摘要 Method and apparatus for conversion of an uneven arm beam balance from metric weight measurement to English weight measurement, and the reverse conversion are described. An illustrative example is a balance rated to measure in kilograms and having a main beam scale graduated in uniform increments of metric weight with associated notched poises, a main weight being discretely positionable in respective notches. A secondary beam scale in parallel relationship with the main beam reads from zero to a value equal to one such metric weight increment, along which a secondary (slider) weight is slidable for making the fine-tuning weight measurements between respective graduations of the main scale. For conversion, there is also provided on the main beam a main English scale graduated in uniform increments of English weight with associated notched poise arranged so that a shift in the position of the main weight by a distance equivalent to 400N Grams weighs an increase of N pounds Avoirdupois. For performing a measurement in pounds the main weight is increased by 13,398% accomplished by combining an auxiliary weight therewith or by substituting a heavier main weight. A secondary English scale is also provided reading from zero to a value equal to one such increment of English weight and having a length 13.398% longer, or a slider 13,398% heavier, than for the secondary metric scale.
申请公布号 US4139068(A) 申请公布日期 1979.02.13
申请号 US19770800570 申请日期 1977.05.25
分类号 G01G1/24;G01G1/36;(IPC1-7):G01G1/26 主分类号 G01G1/24
代理机构 代理人