发明名称 Management control terminal method and apparatus
摘要 Management control terminal method and apparatus are provided in which the management control terminal as a whole is divided into two sections, namely, a custom application module (CAM) and a central master unit (CMU) which can be plugged together to form a CAM-CMU set having particular attributes uniquely adapted for conveniently performing a particular management function. The CMU contains local computing ability and local storage ability and can communicate with peripheral equipment and with a main centralized computer for updating the computer from time-to-time, and the CAM determines the nature of the CMU thereby converting the management control terminal as a whole into one which is especially adapted or customized for a particular application. The CAM has a keyboard layout and key functions arranged for the convenience of the user in applying the terminal to a particular task; the CAM contains an application program which controls the operation of the CMU to customize its operation to that particular task by automatically processing the data in a way suited to that task; in addition, the application program flashes prompting instructions on a screen reminding the user of the sequence of steps to be followed for performing the task and introducing the user as to the next data to be entered into the keyboard. When the CAM is unplugged and replaced by another CAM, the terminal as a whole is now converted into one which is dedicated to and conveniently arranged for performing another management control function, and thus the user obtains the benefits of having a specialized computer customized to a particular management control function at a low cost for planning or operations systems.
申请公布号 US4107784(A) 申请公布日期 1978.08.15
申请号 US19750643173 申请日期 1975.12.22
分类号 G06F3/023;G06F3/048;G06F15/80;(IPC1-7):G06F3/02 主分类号 G06F3/023
代理机构 代理人