发明名称 Item sorter operating by dimensions - has conveyor sub-sections with stops and ejectors ror different sizes
摘要 <p>The equipment sorts items into a set number of categories in accordance with one or more of their dimensions. A lengthwise conveyor is divided into a number of lenghtwise subsections (6), each corresponding to one category of dimensions, and in number equal at least to only one less than the number of categories. The sorting dimension is read by a device upstream of the sub-sections, an item travelling along the sub-section halted corresponding to its read dimension, to eject it. A halting device can be provided for each sub-section, and the sub-sections can consist of a series of individual conveyors forming part of the main one.</p>
申请公布号 FR2348752(A1) 申请公布日期 1977.11.18
申请号 FR19760012480 申请日期 1976.04.21
分类号 B07C5/14;B07C5/36;(IPC1-7):07C5/36;07C5/04 主分类号 B07C5/14
代理机构 代理人