摘要 <p>A landless inner cutter having a body portion which is made from a single piece of metallic material such as a strip of sheet metal. The inner cutter has a body portion including a pair of longitudinal flanges provided with ledges which support a plurality of parallel, arch-shaped, cutter tooth blade sections. The blade sections span the space between the flanges and are disposed normal to the same. In addition, the inner cutter includes a support which is also made of a single piece of sheet metal, to which the blade sections are individually secured so as to rigidly maintain the same parallel to one another. The method of forming the blade sections in a strip of sheet metal in order to form a landless inner cutter, includes the steps of removing material from the strip to provide the same with a first archlike edge which has a rise and a span; cutting a second archlike edge in the strip which is longitudinally displaced from the first edge such that the span of the second edge intersects the rise of the first edge; bending the resulting arch-shaped strip material or blade section, between the archlike edges out of and normal to the plane of the strip, so as to provide a normally disposed, arch-shaped blade section and to expose another first archlike edge in the plane of the strip; and, repeating the cutting and bending steps, as necessary, to provide a plurality of equidistantly-spaced, normally disposed, arch-shaped blade sections in the strip.</p>
申请公布号 CA1016735(A) 申请公布日期 1977.09.06
申请号 CA19740209863 申请日期 1974.09.24
分类号 B21D53/64;B26B19/04 主分类号 B21D53/64
代理机构 代理人