摘要 <p>Reinforced fibre glass curtains coated with PVC and suspended internally from the roof of atmospheric coolers by S-shaped hooks or cord wound round bars, protect the cooler walls from corrosive liquid containing substances liable to precipitation. The curtains are weighted at the bottom sufficiently to keep them straight, but not enough to prevent them being moved by the eddy currents of air in the cooler produced by the fan blowing in the cooling air. Each curtain covering one wall of the cooler is made up of several cloths welded together. Any droplets or encrustations landing on the curtains do not settle due to the agitation produced by the eddy currents and fall to the catchment pit in the base of the tower. Encrustation on the curtains can be removed during short stops by shaking by hand. For atmospheric cooling towers for cooling corrosive liquids, e.g. the hot electrolyte containing zinc sulphate and sulphuric acid from zinc refining. Prolongs the life of the cooling tower and allows less expensive materials of construction to be used. Curtains are cheap and easy to erect and replace.</p>
申请公布号 ES444674(A1) 申请公布日期 1977.05.16
申请号 ES19740004446 申请日期 1975.01.28
申请人 HAMON-SOBELCO, S. A. 发明人
分类号 F28C3/06;F28F19/00;(IPC1-7):28C/;25D/ 主分类号 F28C3/06
代理机构 代理人