摘要 <p>Soap shows well-defined zones of different colours which are in the form of veins and give a marbled effect, which is maintained throughout the cake while it is being used. Different batches of soap are prepd., each of a different colour; these are cut into fragments of uniform dimensions and mixed together in fixed proportions of each colour in an extruder, having >=2 cylinders. Pieces of e.g. white, yellow and blue soap are fed into the hopper and a mass of multicoloured soap forms in the first cylinder; this is passed through a circular plate into the second cylinder. It receives a further mixing and a degree of compression in the extension to the cylinder and the mass is extruded in the form of a bar, its section being determined by the shape of the outlet. The multicoloured bar is cut into pieces which are then pressed into the usual toilet cakes. These have a pleasing appearance which is retained until the soap is used up.</p>
申请公布号 BE818361(A1) 申请公布日期 1974.12.02
申请号 BE19740147174 申请日期 1974.08.01
申请人 发明人
分类号 C11D13/08;C11D13/14;C11D13/18;(IPC1-7):11D/ 主分类号 C11D13/08
代理机构 代理人