发明名称 Display and distributor arrgmt. for goods in a self service shop
摘要 <p>The display stand consists of horizontal shelves which extend either side of a vertical stand. An endless transport belt runs horizontaly in a closed circuit round the stand. Guides are provided in the shelves for the belt, as well as a drive mechanism. The products are loaded on to the belt at one side of the stand are displayed at the other side. Several shelves can be mounted above one another. The arrangement can also be used in a self service restaurant where the shelves are loaded at the kitchen side of the stand.</p>
申请公布号 BE818791(A2) 申请公布日期 1974.12.02
申请号 BE19740147558 申请日期 1974.08.13
申请人 发明人
分类号 A47F3/08;A47F10/06;(IPC1-7):65G/ 主分类号 A47F3/08
代理机构 代理人