发明名称 Apparatus for preservation and identification of particles analyzed by flow-through apparatus
摘要 An apparatus for identifying particles such as cells in a liquid suspension includes a particle scanning device containing a suspension of the particles. The suspension moves in a stream through a sensing zone in the device, which, for example, may be a Coulter type particle detector, and out of the sensing device to a waste receptacle. As each particle in the suspension passes through the sensing zone, it will produce a particle pulse whose measurements represent at least one physical characteristic of the particle. A particle collecting substrate is positioned adjacent the stream departing the scanning device. A counting device, coupled to the scanning device and the substrate, operates only in response to the particle pulse for each sensed particle selected to develop a particular count signal and to direct the stream and the selected particle therein to a particular location on the substrate corresponding to the particular counting signal. A memory operates in response to the particle pulse to store the particle pulse measurements and count signal therein so that the particle locations on the substrate and measurements representing particle characteristics are correlated. The entire sequence of operation is inhibited during start up and stabilization of the apparatus operation, and during and after each particle selection. This ensures that the particle sensed and no other particle is deflected to the location and that the measurements of the particle characteristics at a substrate location and the counting signal for that substrate location are properly correlated and stored.
申请公布号 US4009435(A) 申请公布日期 1977.02.22
申请号 US19750620658 申请日期 1975.10.08
分类号 G01N1/28;G01N15/10;G01N15/12;G01N15/14;(IPC1-7):G01N33/16;G01N27/00 主分类号 G01N1/28
代理机构 代理人