发明名称 U JUST GO
摘要 The "U" which stands for a urinal and relates to a microwave container in a microwave. The "U" is a concept and an actual container for holding urine. To "U" means to use a urinal in a traditional bathroom without urinating into the toilet bowl. The toilet bowl is not used. One will urinate in a personal container called a urinal. It is carried around in a tote for privacy and respect for others. It relates to a small or medium panty for ladies and a long box for males, generally. There are many styles to the "U". It has eight important features. Fig G2,G3 Automobile "U" relates to a Coleman's cooler. Fig K It relates to building a box from seven or eight small or large sanitary pads It relates to ladies' small and medium panty with a lid. Webster dictionary describes the word "just" as equitable, legitimate, right, by right, fair, lawful and immediate as some meanings attributable to the "U" invention. The urinal carried around personally is a new invention. Urinals are usually found in hospitals and nursery homes. The "U" is a personal pee can use in a traditional bathroom, but not using the toilet bowl. The idea of a urinal is not new. What is new is the ideas of using the urinal in a general and personal way. The idea is to move it from a general use to a personal use. One can take the "U" anyway you go. It is not for hospitals and nursing homes as a general tool. Now, the "U" is for you and for me! Fig L3,R1 It is 'green' in that. you can use it over and over. It is carried anywhere with you, for example, at your workplace and to travel destinations locally and abroad. It helps you at convenient times and the not so convenient times. It is small enough to be disguised in a shopping tote. Figs F,F2 Men- on - the go can take in the suitcase or in a business briefcase or a backpack. Auto and truck drivers have choices from many styles as do ladies. Ladies on - the -go can go and ladies who don't want to move that fast can use the toilet bowls. This is a very important micro break in the cycle of the civilization of mankind forcing the public to use public toilets only without an alternative as the "U". The "U" prevents diseases, and saves time in a faster moving world., too. If the toilet seat is a typewriter, the "U" is the internet! Now that the "U" is here, you can "JUST GO" with this invention of the same name, The "U JUST GO" Both men and ladies on - the - go think ahead anyway. They will hang their bags on a hook. They will take out their "U". They will use their "U" and rinse out their "U". They will be out of their in a moment. What is exceptionally different with ladies using the "U" is that they will "stand" just as the men do. Yes, the ladies will stand as in STOOP at a 90 degree angle .. A ninety degree bend of the knee keeps the urine from overshooting the "U". This is a built in prevention. It is very important to remove the "U" only after you are completely leak-free. This keeps the facility clean and respects others after you. The big weakness with this invention lies right here with keeping the facility clean for others. Fig V Some ladies will not clean up. Many ladies will spill urine on the floor and the facility will smell and spread germs. This is a major downfall with the "U" because it is invented to avoid using multi used toilet over and over, but not to create multi used floors reeked with urine.. No matter what, many women desire to have a refreshingly "clean "pee moment", no looking into toilet seats or bowls or going near one in order to urine. . Fresh, A possible solution to this problem is a, "Catch All", rim to standardized "U"s. Fig G3 This extension to a container is to help solve this problem of spills on floors when using the "U" It must be able to be easily gripped with the fingers. As well, many different shapes of "Us make them fit in different purses and places. Figs A thru V This is another built in prevention. The "U" is a flex tool. In many places one can JUST GO can be a fast serving tool and other times one can have a personal feminine or male moment. How many patients on public wards in hospitals would like to have a "U". How many would appreciate being "U" insured. The "U" could become a health care issue in the future of the "U".No health care worker in the world is going to take out time of their bury schedule to let you have a safe pee in a public hospital. So, if you a nine months pregnant, you will have to use a multi - used toilet seat just before having your baby, simple! Good customer service depends on choices. The "U" has lots of variety while still have standard examples. Figs L - L8,N - N12 The "U" is a urinal or wholesome and able to be gripped container that any individual can carry around with them to any public operating bathroom. Without using the bowl, the "u" allows the individual to urine anyway. There are many personal benefits in using this invention the "U". Keeping it real, the "U" can be used in the workplace, at sleep overs and on Greyhound trips from port to port. Models can use it in runway bathrooms. The prettier the "U", the better. More people will carefully hand on to them. Use any public bathroom where there is a public gathering. Use on travel destinations. Any time you suspect a multi used toilet is what you will be using, use can use your "U". Figs A1, R1 It can be used at your favorite coffee stop or restaurant. When you have to go and the bowl is stuffed with tissues, you can still go in a clean way. If you share a toilet with a hospital friend , the "U" can be used. Your car has a key and it is in your handbag. Now, the "U" is like a key to your kidneys and you can keep one in your handbag also in the form of a "U" container with can be standard or unusual. It can be used at nightclub and concerts, theatres, sports arena and a even carry it on visits to family and friends gatherings. It can be used anywhere you will use a bathroom which is heavily used before you get there. A person - on the go must plan ahead. To use the "U". The "U" helps you avoid the affects of a heavily use bathroom at all cost. It prevents one to avoid common diseases from publicly used toilet. Regular homes can be built now with traditional and "U" bathrooms. With this invention, THE "U JUST GO". Managing the "U" also requires use proper handwash and the washing out of the "U" before you return it to your tot. The "U" also helps you avoid droplets, splatter and splash -ups on your legs, pantyhose or pants's leg. A parent can train their children to use the "U" to ensure their health and safety in public toilets and other bathrooms. Encourage their friends to visit with their own "U"en tote. How do little girls out of pampers manage using public toilets anyway? The "U" hopes to fix this. Children's "U" is "just", "just right" and "just fair' to introduce it with this invention. It's time has come! Children can "JUST GO" too with a "U. Little girls' "U" would look like mom's "U" and little boys' "U" would look like dad's "U" which is similar to a lightweight water jug style carried in aback pack tote. See Fig N12 One cannot stress enough the importance of cleaning the "U" daily. One can shop all day and use the "U" without sitting on a single multi - used toilet seat in public, why not clean it for another day's use? Figs E,H1 All ladies must look the same when urinating. The "U" fits under long dresses and saris and evening wear.Figs A1,B,C, D, E The Christian, Buddhist or Moslem and Hindu will use the "U" in the self same manner as the child in Australis or Milan.. There is only one way to urinate for women. This makes the "U" friendly to all women's of the world. This fact makes many things easy. One way is that the standard "U" fits regardless of ethnicity, genes, social status or education. It fits well under stacks of winter coats. What is important is that the eight features of the "U" is used. The best "U: has eight important strengths. . First, it must be wholesome and grippable with the fingers. This means that it can hold urine inside of it. You just cannot use a felt top hat or a paper party hat as a "U". Fig. S Second. With wholesomeness, the "U: must be wide enough. Third it must be deep enough. Fourth, the "U" must be clearly labeled "U" for urinal. Fifth, the "U" is easily disguised, easily cleaned and easily refreshed. Sixth, the "U" is lightweight. Seventh, the "U" is easily carried in a tote respecting privacy inside and outside a bathroom.. And eight, it is lightweight. Fig G2 The average kidneys hole about two (two) cups or 16oz of urine on the average. (Google) Fig A The "U" is the key to keeping the kidneys and bladder healthy and clean everyday. You can see your urine. You can judge your urine. You can tell if you are drinking enough water in your diet that day? Diabetics can report on their urine each time.. You take your car keys and your house keys around in your handbag, don't you? Why not, then, carry your "U" around to keep your kidneys and bladder healthy in a cleaner way.? Urine is DNA. Urine is ID. Lets push this idea farther. Note, terrorists, terrorists suspects and criminals have distinct urine, too and sniffing dogs and machines on airplanes and anywhere else can tell. This is a future speculation. If perfume scents can be logged, so do criminal urine scents. These scents can be logged for pilots and police. Like a commuter train, if you enter with a scent you will go back with that same scent, so it has to be you. Its natures scents unique to you, only. It is just a thought for keeping us healthier in the skies above using urine or the "U" more new way of catching criminals. MSNBC new) March 15, 2010 Women who menstrate or have a period. need special "U" care products for washing. Secondary business are created by using the "U". In addition, the "U" may become a new forensic tool for detectives. With the use of the "U", diabetics can check their urine visually every time they pee. People with a bladder problem can
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