发明名称 Dropped deck center beam rail road car structure
摘要 A center beam car has a main deck structure extending laterally from a main center sill, a laterally extending top truss structure, and a central vertically oriented central beam structure. The center beam so formed defines bunks upon which to carry cargo. The upper region of the web-work structure includes a top chord mounted to run between two end bulkheads. The deck has a central portion and end portions. The end portions of the deck are carried at a greater height than the center portion, the difference in height corresponding to the height of a bundle of lumber. The car has a center sill having a depth corresponding to the depth of the step in the deck. The end portion of the center sill has an internal plate defining a draft gear pocket upper wall. The medial portion of the center sill is narrower than the end portion, and of deep section, such that it has a high aspect ratio. Web separators are mounted in the medial portion of the center sill by a method that includes making part of the weld from outside the center sill through welding apertures. As the end deck is carried at a high level, the bolster is abnormally deep.
申请公布号 US6659017(B2) 申请公布日期 2003.12.09
申请号 US20010804406 申请日期 2001.03.12
分类号 B61D3/16;B61F1/02;(IPC1-7):B61D3/00 主分类号 B61D3/16
代理机构 代理人