发明名称 A method and apparatus for eliminating atherosclerosis from a region of the arterial tree
摘要 The present invention provides a method and apparatus for elimination of atherosclerosis from an artery. According to the present invention the diseased artery is approached from external side and ablate in such a way that incision/cut pass through tunica adventitia and tunica media of the diseased artery and a fibrous capsule of the atherosclerosis. On ablation/incision, the contents plaques are exposed to the natural defense of the body and are destroyed by the natural defense system. The plaque escaping out of the artery on the external surface of the artery may be wiped or washed away with saline during or after the ablation procedure. Then, natural healing of artery is allowed which eliminates atherosclerosis thoroughly.
申请公布号 AU2012364199(B2) 申请公布日期 2016.10.13
申请号 AU20120364199 申请日期 2012.10.12
申请人 Singh, Ajoy 发明人 Singh, Ajoy I.
分类号 A61N5/067 主分类号 A61N5/067
代理机构 代理人