摘要 International Addressing Systems (IAS) is a mapping technology used to create uniform addressing systems in countries, towns, and cities where individuals are without addesses or other mailing systems. The unique aspect of IAS is that it requires nothing more than latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates. With this sytstem, a mercant in an undeveloped or rurlal country, who creates a marketable product, will now be able to sell his product to individuals outside of his community. That same merchant will also be able to receive materials he needs to develop his prouct, without traveling for hours or even days to acquire needed materials. IAS will also provide order, access, and opportunity in countries and towns that are without infrastrucre, stable governments, and other means needed to succeed.
申请公布号 AP201609115(D0) 申请公布日期 2016.03.31
申请号 AP20160009115 申请日期 2013.09.27
申请人 发明人
分类号 G09B29/00 主分类号 G09B29/00
代理机构 代理人