发明名称 Improvements in, and relating to, electric transformers
摘要 433,153. Transformers. ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO., Ltd., Ingersoll House, Kingsway, London, and GLEDHILL, E., Bushbury Engineering Works, Wolverhampton. Feb. 13, 1934, No. 4716. [Class 38 (ii)] In a transformer in which one of the windings D is divided with tappings on either side of the break connected to contacts 1-6 arranged in a circle and adapted to be bridged in pairs by a movable contact plate b there is further provided leading and trailing plates c, a which are connected to the main plate b through the two halves AT<2>, AT of an auto-transformer T. This arrangement enables on-load tapchanging to be effected and voltages intermediate the taps to be obtained. When the plates are in the position shown the tappings 1, 2 are connected together. When the switch is rotated so that the contact 2 is in the centre of plate b and contacts 1 and 3 engage with plates a and c respectively the tap 2 is connected to tappings 1 and 3 through the autotransformer T and a voltage intermediate these tappings is obtained. To reduce the impedence of the autotransformer in this position it may be provided with secondary windings which are short-circuited by a switch in this position. In addition these windings may be permanently bridged by a resistance inductance or condenser. Alternatively, instead of being bridged by a switch in this position they may be bridged by an impedence.
申请公布号 GB433153(A) 申请公布日期 1935.08.09
申请号 GB19340004716 申请日期 1934.02.13
分类号 H01F29/04 主分类号 H01F29/04
代理机构 代理人