发明名称 Automatic Dice- Throwing Method and its Device
摘要 The invention is related to an automatic dice-throwing method and its device. The method is mainly to achieve dice throwing by an automatic device, which consists of; driving the dice container to rotate 180 degrees, driving the arm to capture the dice, driving the dice container to rotate and return and riving the arm to return and throw the dice; the device has a large driving motor to control the rotation and return of the dice container and uses a small driving motor to control the swinging and return of an arm; to facilitate the operation a controller is installed, to facilitate getting the result a small camera records the process and a display shows the points.
申请公布号 US2008048394(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.02.28
申请号 US20060466455 申请日期 2006.08.23
申请人 C H LIN 发明人 C. H. LIN
分类号 G07C15/00 主分类号 G07C15/00
代理机构 代理人