发明名称 Method for remotely inspecting a target in a monitored area
摘要 Disclosed is a method for remote inspection of a target in a monitored area. The method is performed by irradiating the area with microwave radiation using two or more elementary microwave emitters. The signal reflected from the monitored area is then recorded by one or more parallel recording channels. Coherent processing of the recorded signal is performed to obtain the maximum intensity values of the reconstructed configuration of scattering surfaces in the monitored area in dependence on the distance from the elementary emitters to the target. The information obtained as a result of the processing is displayed by constructing a microwave image corresponding to a three dimensional surface. A video image of the target is additionally obtained by using two or more video cameras which are synchronised with the microwave emitters. The resulting video image is converted into digital form and a three dimensional video image of the target is constructed. The three dimensional video image and the microwave image are transformed into a general system of coordinates. The distance l in the general system of coordinates between the microwave image and the video image is determined. If l <l0, where l0 is a defined threshold value of l, it is determined that no dielectric object in an amount exceeding the maximum allowable value is present at the target. If l>l0, a further determination of the presence of cavities in the three dimensional microwave image in regions where l>l0 is performed. When the depth h of the cavity is greater than: h0 = l0(ε1/2–1)/ε1/2, wherein h0 is the threshold value of h,εis the value of the dielectric permittivity of a sought dielectric object; the presence of the concealed dielectric object at the target is ascertained.
申请公布号 NZ599726(A) 申请公布日期 2014.01.31
申请号 NZ20100599726 申请日期 2010.11.24
分类号 G01N22/00;G06T7/60 主分类号 G01N22/00
代理机构 代理人