发明名称 Mercury refining process
摘要 <p>The Hg is refined by a number of refiners conected in series followed by distillation under vacuum. Variations in the Hg level in the evaporator are avoided by inserting an intermediate reservoir between the accumulation reservoir in which the Hg is collected after refining, and the evaporator. The intermediate reservoir is fed by virtue of the pressure difference between it and the accumulation reservoir. Its Hg level which above that in the accumulation reservoir, is kept constant by level sensors which control an electro-magnetic pump between the two reservoirs. The evaporator is also evacuated by an electromagnetic pump. Enables the speed and efficiency of production to be increased. The Hg produced is high purity.</p>
申请公布号 FR2048111(A5) 申请公布日期 1971.03.19
申请号 FR19690017986 申请日期 1969.06.02
分类号 C22B43/00;(IPC1-7):22B43/00 主分类号 C22B43/00
代理机构 代理人