摘要 The invention relates to the treatment of water by electrochemical activation and can be used for the preparation of potable water of high quality in everyday life as well as in industry.The proposed invention is based on the task for the creation of method for electrochemical activation of potable water and device for its realization, which with the help of choice of the most optimal parameters allow influencing on water in such a way that to achieve maximum efficiency and whereby consuming minimum quantity of electric energy.The set by the invention task is solved in that the treatment of water is carried out by pulsed current, given to electrodes in orifice electrolyzer with anode and cathode chambers, and according to the method the distribution of energy within pulsation impulses at forming of the impulses is carried out according with 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 law of the first members of Fibonacci number sequence, and the energy of the front edge of impulse pulsations is formed in accordance with growing Fibonacci number sequence, and energy of the back edge – in accordance with descending, besides the front edge is formed sharp, and the back - low-angle. The spacing interval within pulsation impulses is also chosen according to the first members of Fibonacci number sequence, besides to the front edge corresponds descending series, and the back - growing. In the beginning of the front edge of pulsation impulses and in the end of the back edge one impulse of opposite polarity is formed, and the passage frequency of pulsation impulses is chosen alternatively proportional to water conductivity in electrolyzer.The proposed method is realized in the device, containing electrolyzer with anode and two cathode chambers, to which water is poured for activation with fixed in chambers electrodes: with anode and two cathodes, connected to the first, second and third outputs pulse current source, the first and the second inlets of which are connected with the first and the second outputs of electric power supply, and the first and the second inlets of the last are connected to the alternating-current mains, and according to the method sensor of water presence in electrolyzer, the inlet of which is connected with water in electrolyzer, and the outlet is connected to the third inlet of electric power supply, temperature sensor, the inlet of which is connected with water in electrolyzer, and the outlet is connected to the third inlet of pulse current source, the fourth outlet of which is connected with inlet of carrier generator, and the outlet of the last is connected with the first inlet of conjunction element and with inverting input of the first counter, the group of outlets of which is connected to the inlets of the first decoder, and the group of the outlets of the last is connected with the first group of inlets of the second decoder, with its outlet connected with the second inlet of conjunction element, and the second group of inlets of the second decoder is connected to the outlets of the second counter, with its inverting input connected with inverting outlet of the first counter, and with inverting outlet connected to the inverting input of the third counter, the group of outlets of which is connected with inlets of the third decoder which with its outlets connected to the group of inlets of control means, and the inlet of the last is connected with outlet of water conductivity sensor, the inlet of which is connected to the fifth outlet of pulse current source, and the outlet of control means is connected with the third inlet of conjunction element, which with its outlet connected to the fourth inlet of pulse current source, are additionally introduced into it. Besides generator frequency in the device is chosen in such a way that to cause voltage resonance in electrolyzer.
申请公布号 UA100916(C2) 申请公布日期 2013.02.11
申请号 UA20110004209 申请日期 2011.04.07
分类号 C02F1/461;C02F1/46 主分类号 C02F1/461
代理机构 代理人