发明名称 Aluminum production process control
摘要 The method of process control is for a Hall-Héroult process of aluminum production from alumina ore in an industrial potline. The method includes measuring an array of sampled potline data including a plurality of cell voltages (V) and a plurality of line amperages (A) at a plurality of time points. The method also includes calculating a predicted voltage (PV) for each cell voltage and line amperage in the array. The method further includes controlling a plurality of alumina ore feed rates and a plurality of pot voltage settings based upon the predicted voltages. The method also includes calculating a plurality of bath temperatures based upon the predicted voltages. The PV variable is preferably used in an automated control environment. The PV variable is also preferably used to monitor cell noise levels, operating temperature, metal pad roll, and oscillatory electrical shorting events.
申请公布号 US8052859(B2) 申请公布日期 2011.11.08
申请号 US20070515568 申请日期 2007.12.18
分类号 C25C3/20 主分类号 C25C3/20
代理机构 代理人