发明名称 Hand-gripable presentation marker carrier
摘要 A hand-gripable presentation marker carrier is disclosed for holding and quickly accessing a plurality of different color presentation markers. The carrier includes a hand-gripable support element including a plurality of marker-tip receiving structures disposed along a surface of the hand-gripable support element, the surface of the hand-gripable support element supporting each of the marker-tip receiving structures. The carrier can also include an eraser housing for receiving an eraser assembly. The plurality of presentation markers are held perpendicularly with respect to the surface of the support element, and each marker-tip receiving structure is shaped so as to grip a marker at its tip-end and hold it to the common hand-gripable support element regardless of the orientation of the common hand-gripable support element. The eraser assembly is sized such that it fits snugly within the eraser housing, and can be inserted and removed from the eraser housing with convenient and comfortable force.
申请公布号 US8032966(B1) 申请公布日期 2011.10.11
申请号 US20050187102 申请日期 2005.07.23
分类号 B47L0021/000000 主分类号 B47L0021/000000
代理机构 代理人