发明名称 Virtual image labeling of input devices
摘要 Partial reflection of an image source creates a virtual image that appears superimposed on a keyboard. This virtual image contains labels for the keys. When users place their hands on the keyboard, this blocks the view of some of the keys but does not block the user's view of the virtual image. This creates a visual perception that users can see the key labels through their own hands. The physical keys themselves may be blank, with the labels existing solely as part of the virtual image. Modifying the image source allows the keyboard to be remapped in a variety of different ways, e.g., switching between Latin and Cyrillic characters, displaying application-specific functions, or remapping keys in a password entry system to prevent an observer from identifying the values of the keys being pressed by the user.
申请公布号 US2011068955(A1) 申请公布日期 2011.03.24
申请号 US20090586423 申请日期 2009.09.22
分类号 H03M11/00 主分类号 H03M11/00
代理机构 代理人